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Origin of Names

Searching the Web for the origin of names has led me to many great websites. One that you'll probably use a few times is KryssTal.

TED talk by David Birch on his notions about security and the use of your name

The Meaning of Anniversaries 1-80

1st is paper
2nd cotton
3rd leather
4th linen
5th wood
6th iron
7th wool
8th bronze
9th copper
10th tin
11th steel
12th silk
13th lace
14th ivory
15th crystal
17th turquoise
20th china
25th silver jubilee
30th pearl
35th coral (or jade)
40th sapphire
50th golden jubilee
55th emerald
60th diamond jubilee
65th blue sapphire
70th platinum Jubilee
75th diamond wedding anniversary
80th oak wedding anniversay